Nuorisokirjallisuutta Literature for young people ARTICLE

Title Nuorisokirjallisuutta Literature for young people
Is same as work Nuorisokirjallisuutta
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1898
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Wiipurin sanomat 23.2.1898 says: "Already the first sentence of the book: \'In one bright autumn day, back in time until year 943, there was big hustle and bustle in the castle of Bayeuci in Normandy.\' The story has a historical base and is therefore valuable. It is both pedagogical and fun. (Description of the plot....) There is the core of the story, which of course has plenty of side stories, which all are written with a reliable hand. The description is very warm and can fulfil quite big expectations, it is smooth and lively. The spirit in the book is pure and sophisticating, it shows how justice and honesty win after many troubles, but injustice and betrayal get their salary. \'Pikku herttua\' is a pedagogical book and it awakens in the reader good, beautiful thoughts and gives trust and fulfillment. There isn\'t too many adventures but the plot developes peacefully and without passions to the end that satisfies and before all gives pleasure. \'Pikku herttua\' should get a big and learning audience among the young people, because it isn\'t a inflammatory novel but a historical novel that is rich in teachings, descriptions and events. JWmar6']
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Pikku Herttua eli Rikhard Pelkäämätön Uuno Aleksanteri (Aleksander) Varis