Ny jullitteratur för barn och ungdom New christmas literature for children and young adults PUBLICITY

Title Ny jullitteratur för barn och ungdom New christmas literature for children and young adults
Is same as work Ny jullitteratur för barn och ungdom
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1858
Notes ['An advertisement in the newspaper Finlands allmänna tidning 6.12.1858 (for girls from 12 to 14 years, with 4 fine drawings, also in Åbo tidningar 7.12.1858, Åbo underrättelser 7.12.1858, Helsingfors tidningar 9.12.1858, 15.12.1858 (170 pp, price 85 kopeks, "includes 4 christmas pictures and 4 other stories, mostly nice and moral in tendency. Some of the circumstances in Germany can be strange for the children, but after 12 years can the horizon also be extended. The book is suitable christmas present for girls and its appearance is welcoming"), 18.12.1858, Wiborg 11.12.1858, Vasabladet 24.12.1858, Åbo Tidningar 23.12.1859. JWapr16']
lists work Blommor
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Blommor Unknown translator (to be identified)