*Mention in The Literary Reader WORK

Title *Mention in The Literary Reader
Is same as work *Mention in The Literary Reader
Part of work
Author Taco Hajo de Beer
Date 1882
Notes ["Taco de Beer and Elisabeth Jane Irving, The Literary reader. A Handbook for the Higher Classes in Schools and for Home Teaching. Part II: The Nineteenth Century. Kuilenburg: Blom and Olivierse, 1882 (2nd ed.; 1st ed. : 1874).\n\np. 178: De Beer mentions Lady Dacre and her 'works': Recollections of a Chaperon' and 'Trevelyan'. The latter is not to be found in the catalogues. After Lady Dacre De Beer mentions the author 'Countess of Marley' and her work 'Dacre' which are also not to be found. Needs to be checked. [Info AvB, february 2008]\n\nTrevelyan - meant probably: Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan by Elizabeth Charles-Rundle [SvD, feb08]"]
In this reception

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Via received works
Recollections of a Chaperon Brand, Barbarina Ogle