Onkel Toms hytte, eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater Uncle Tom's cabin, or Negro life in the American Slave States WORK

Title Onkel Toms hytte, eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater Uncle Tom's cabin, or Negro life in the American Slave States
Is same as work Onkel Toms hytte, eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater
Part of work
Author Thomas Peter Krag
Date 1852
Notes ["Appears in the history of 'Volda folkebibliotek 1797-1900' as one of the much read books. MNS13\nNøding mentions that publisher P.T.Malling published this in a series of booklets in 1852-53. Extract also in Christiania-Posten Christmas 1852. MNS14\n\nMalling's series is the journal Tidsskrift for Skjønliteratur. He chose Stowe for the two first publications in the series, Uncle Tom as no 1 and Mayflower as no 2.\n\nThe translation is anonymous, but identified by his contemporaries as Thomas Peter Krag. See Haarberg 2019. MNS20"]
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Via received works
Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly Stowe, Harriet Elisabeth Beecher