*art. in Nuova Antologia ARTICLE

Title *art. in Nuova Antologia
Is same as work *art. in Nuova Antologia
Part of work
Author *Nemi
Date 1903
Notes ['"Il volumetto intitolato Lina, dal nome della figliuola perduta, volumetto che, custodito gelosamente manoscritto per anni ed anni, vide la luce solo per l\'amor delle allieve dei Reali Educatorii [sic.] di Napoli, mostra quanto profondo fu il suo dolore a quella morte e come per averne un conforto che la compensasse ella dovesse dedicarsi ad un\'azione assidua.\'\'\r\n\r\n[the booklet with the title "Lina", the name of her lost daughter, that for many years had been preserved in manuscript, was published only out of love for the pupils of the royal educators of Napels, which shows how deep she suffered of this death and how she, as a kind compensation, had tot find consolation by dedicating herself to a tireless action]']
None Lina
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Lina Teresa Ravaschieri