Litteratur- och konstnotiser News about literature and art ARTICLE

Title Litteratur- och konstnotiser News about literature and art
Is same as work Litteratur- och konstnotiser
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1883
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Morgonbladet 18.12.1883 says: "There shouldn\'t be many books that give for noble minded young people\'s minds more sparkling and dignified lecture than this collection of stories about the deeds of historical personalities that offer themselves, described lively and simple by a warm hand. The number of the stories is 40-50 and follow chronologically the most known historical great deeds, marked history, starting from Alkertes and Antigone and ending to happening from our days. The book should find many friends among the young people." JWfeb16']
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Stordåd och ädla handlingar från skilda tider och länder Emma Silfverstolpe