Essays WORK

Title Essays
Is same as work Essays
Part of work
Author Kveder, Zofka
Date 1900
Notes ['Kveder put Key’s quotation in German at the beginning of one of her short stories which depicts the suffering of a woman who has been disappointed in mariage. The quotation runs as follows: “Die Liebe ist sittlich auch ohne gesetzliche Ehe, aber diese ist unsittlich ohne Liebe” (Love is moral also without marriage, but the latter is immoral without love). The second part of the quotation is repeated once more at the end of the story. The phrase was taken from Key’s essay Die Frau (Woman) published in the book Die Essays (Essays, 1899). Kveder’s story thus completely illustrates Key’s idea since the suffering of her heroine is caused by the deficiency of love in her marriage. Ellen Key is also quoted in the last story of Kveder’s collection. The heroine, who has had a relation with a married man, finds herself more worthy to be deeply loved than women who give themselves to their husband without loving them. She thus remembers Key’s words “Reinheit ist der frischgefallene Schnee, der geschmolzen oder beileckt werden kann; Keuschheit der im Feuer weissgeglühte, gehärtete Stahl ...” (Purity is the freshly fallen snow which can melt and get dirty, chastity is the white-glowing, hardened steel in the fire). ']
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*Essays Ellen Karolina Sofia Key