Presad na mydrost ili sbor ot Filosofski pouchitelni misli i nauka za vyzpitanieto detinsko i zanovouzheneni / Transplant of wisdom Transplant of wisdom or sum of Philosophical edifyingly thoughts and knowledge for education of children and just married WORK Ottoman Empire

Title Presad na mydrost ili sbor ot Filosofski pouchitelni misli i nauka za vyzpitanieto detinsko i zanovouzheneni / Transplant of wisdom Transplant of wisdom or sum of Philosophical edifyingly thoughts and knowledge for education of children and just married
Is same as work Presad na mydrost ili sbor ot Filosofski pouchitelni misli i nauka za vyzpitanieto detinsko i zanovouzheneni / Transplant of wisdom
Part of work
Author Rachil Barak Dushanova
Place Ottoman Empire
Date 1869
Notes ['mentioning also Sévigné, Staël (webinar Alexandrova 26-2-21)\n\ntranslated from Serbian, the books being signed by her husband translator (NA 26-2-21)']

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In this reception
None Sévigné, Marie de
None Staël, Germaine de
Via received works

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