Actenmässiger Bericht über die erste Versammlung deutscher Schriftstellerinnen, Weimar 5-7.10.1846. Report about First Conference of German Women Writers ARTICLE Germany
Title | Actenmässiger Bericht über die erste Versammlung deutscher Schriftstellerinnen, Weimar 5-7.10.1846. Report about First Conference of German Women Writers |
Is same as work | Actenmässiger Bericht über die erste Versammlung deutscher Schriftstellerinnen, Weimar 5-7.10.1846. |
Part of work | |
Author | [unknown author, female, various] |
Reference | |
Place | Germany |
Date | 1846 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['jujo July 2011\nAuthors linked to this record were described as participating in the (imaginary? check!!) conference.\n\nTo be checked:\nLuise Egloff is linked to this record (thus mentioned as a participant), but was already dead when the conference was held. sdvnov11'] |
No works found
In this reception
None | Chézy, Helmina von |
None | Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte |
None | Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von |
None | Frohberg, Regina |
None | Ida Frick |
None | Flotow, Albertine von |
None | Luise Egloff |
None | Maria von Dalberg |
None | Katharina Diez |
None | Braus, Henriette |
None | Bissing, Henriette Dorothea von |
None | Branco, Helene |
None | J.T. Beer |
None | Kathinka Serafine Germayr |
None | Arnim, Bettina von |
None | Johanna Vormann |
Via received works
No persons found