*to be specified WORK

Title *to be specified
Is same as work *to be specified
Author Henriette Herz
Date 1832
Notes ['Cf. Sherry Simon, Gender in translation : cultural identity and the politics of transmission. London etc., Routledge, 1996, p.61: \n[this translation] helped pave the way to the later women\'s movement in Germany.\nPetra Wilhelmy refers to Schlösser, who thinks that this probably was an unpublished manuscript. \nManfred Schlösser, Gestalten, Ideen und Formen literarischen Lebens um 1800, in: Berlin 1789 und 1848: Facetten einer Epoche (Katalog), 1981, p. 220. \nHanne Lotte Lund recently doubts that Herz ever produced such a translation, see Hanne Lotte Lund, Der Berliner "jüdische Salon": Emanzipation in der Debatte, Boston: De Gruyter 2012, p. 220.']
In this reception

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Via received works
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Wollstonecraft, Mary