Helsingfors Dagblad no 336 Juilitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Helsingfors Dagblad no 336 Juilitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people
Is same as work Helsingfors Dagblad no 336 Juilitteratur för barn och ungdom
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 0
Notes ['The text says:"stories are told with the same confidential and home-warm tone, that is uniq for the English writers, who write for the young people. Alcott has a special tendency to situate her descriptions among the small people at home, and on the other side among the more mature world of feelings and actions of the older people. That is why some of her stories lack the conduct, but it isn\'t so remarkable in these little genre stories that are undergoing a moral tone, that the writer seems to have taken as her task to spread among the young people."JWfeb16 ']
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Något för wåra flckor Bertha Sandlund