The Princess of Cleves. An historical novel. Translated from the French WORK

Title The Princess of Cleves. An historical novel. Translated from the French
Is same as work The Princess of Cleves. An historical novel. Translated from the French
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Author Elizabeth Griffith
Date 1777
Notes ['Cf. Sherry Simon, Gender in translation : cultural identity and the politics of transmission. London etc., 1996, p.169.\r\n\r\nConcerning paratext:\r\n"Le Libraire au Lecteur" not translated.\r\n\r\n{Preface present} by translator\r\np. V:\r\nTo the Reader\r\nThe following Novel will, I hope, be found interesting; for the story is simple, although the actors are supposed to be persons of the first rank in life. There are certain parts of the original, which is in French, that appear to be lengthened out, rather more than it is necssary, as dwelling upon ad-/\r\np. VI\r\nventitious or trivial circumstances, generally draws off the attention from the principal action [...]\r\nIt may possibly be objected to this little piece, that it contains no moral. - I must here beg leave to offer a few words in favour of a performance, which I own has employed several of my leisure hours most agreeably.\r\np. vii\r\n[...]\r\nLet me add, that whatever awakens our sensibility for _suffering virtue_, will always be productive of salutary affects, to an innocent mind.\r\np. viii\r\nIf this be true, the story of the Princess of Cleves, cannot be pronounced devoid of moral.\r\n\r\nconcerning adaptation:\r\noriginal Barbin edition: 4 vols of more than 200 p. each (8o)\r\nGriffith translation: 1 vol 255 p. 8o.\r\ncf. last page:\r\n255\r\nShe passed six months of every year in the convent, and the other six at her own house. - She was a pattern of virtue and piety. - Beloved, respected, and admired, by all who knew her, throughout her whole life; which though short, has left us innumerable examples of almost inimitable fortitude and virtue.\r\n\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
is adaptation of La Princesse de Clèves
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La Princesse de Clèves La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine de