Les femmes illustres de l'Europe The glorious women of Europe WORK France

Title Les femmes illustres de l'Europe The glorious women of Europe
Is same as work Les femmes illustres de l'Europe
Author Antoinette-Joséphine-Françoise-Anne Comtesse Drohojowska
Place France
Date 1822
Notes ["forfurtherdiscussion:\ngenre = Bio-bibliographical compilation\nAND: this particular record refers to a RECEPTION - see above (note that each time the record appears it presents a DIFFERENT reception)\nso why this list below? besides the WORK to which the list belongs does not exist as a record\n\nWomen discussed:\n- Mathilde de Toscane, dite la Grande Comtesse\n- Anne Comnène\n- Sainte Claire\n- Valentine de Milan\n- Sainte Catherine de Sienne\n- Orsina Visconti Torelli\n- Hippolyte Torelli\n- Louise Torelli\n- Françoise d'Amboise, duchesse de Bretagne\n- Julie de Gonzague\n- Béatrix Galindo\n- Cassandra Fédèle\n- Catherine Sforza\n- Marguerite d'Autriche, gouvernante des Pays-Bas\n- Victoria Colonna, marquise de Pescaire\n- Marguerite Morus (mistress Roper)\n- Sainte Térèse (1515-1582, Avila)\n-Marguerite d'York\n- Marguerite de Parme\n- Amélie-Elisabeth, landgrave de Hesse-Cassel\n- Marie Cunitz\n- Anne de Gonzague, princesse palatine\n- Cornara Piscopia\n- Lady Marie Worthley-Montagu\n- Anne-Marie de la Trémoille, princesse des Ursins\n- Milady Nithisdale\n- Rose Govona\n- Angélika Kaufmann\n- Zamoyska, née princesse Czatoryska\n- Agathe Decken\n- Nathalie Galitzin, princesse Woldemar\n- Baronne de Riedesel\n- Princesse Isabelle Czartoryska, née comtesse Fleming\n- Baronne de Souris\n- Necker de Saussure\n- Caroline Pichler\n- Miss Edgeworth\n-Anna-Éleonore Franklin\n- Clémentine Tanska\n- Princesse Borghèse, née Talbot de Shrewsbury\n- Anne Bounine\n- Frédérique Bremer\n- Sainte Élisabeth de Hongrie\n[Last part: De l'influence de la femme á notre époque, notamment au sein des classes ouvrières (s. 417-434)]\n"]

No works found

In this reception
is biography of Fredrika Bremer
is biography of Vittoria Colonna
is biography of Karoline Pichler
is biography of Maria Edgeworth
is biography of Klementyna Tańska - Hoffmanowa
is biography of Santa Caterina da Siena
is biography of Friederike Charlotte Luise Riedesel
is biography of Anne-Marie de la Trémoille princesse Des Ursins
is biography of Isabella d'Aragona Sforza
is biography of Cassandra Fedele Mapelli
is biography of Countess Jadwiga Zamoyska Działyńska
is biography of Izabela Czartoryska
is biography of Frances d'Amboise
is biography of Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia
is biography of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
is biography of Albertine Necker de Saussure
is biography of Henriette de Clèves, duchesse de Nevers, dame de Gonzague
Via received works

No persons found