De Engelsche Spectatrice of Britsche Leermeestresse der Zeeden WORK
Title | De Engelsche Spectatrice of Britsche Leermeestresse der Zeeden |
Is same as work | De Engelsche Spectatrice of Britsche Leermeestresse der Zeeden |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown translator (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1762 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['UBA \n1e dr. 1762-63: 1756 H 1-3 en OK 93-53 (III) (=coll.Vrouwenleesmuseum); \n2e dr. 1775 (met titelplaat) OK 93-54-55 (I en II) (= coll.Vr.l.m.)\n\nCf. Finny Bottenga, "Eliza Haywood\'s Female Spectator and its Dutch translation De Engelsche Spectatrice", in Van Dijk, Broomans, vd Meulen, V Oostrum (eds.), "I have heard about you" (2004), p. 217-224.'] |
is translation of | The Female Spectator |