Biografiskt album Biographical album WORK Finland

Title Biografiskt album Biographical album
Is same as work Biografiskt album
Part of work
Author Ellen Karolina Sofia Key , Elna Lovisa Johanna Tenow , Gripenberg, Alexandra , Margrethe Fibiger , [unknown author, female, various]
Place Finland
Date 1890
Notes ["Published by Finks qvinnoförening (Finnish woman's association). The persons that are handled (first ones) and the writers (the second ones):\n- Aurore Karamsin (s. 1-8). Z.T.\n- Emma Irene Åström (s. 9-21). Ellen Key.\n- Ellen Key (s. 22-47). Elna Tenow.\n- Ragna Nielsen (s. 48-61). W-W (Kristiania 1890). \n- Mathilde Fibiger (Clara Raphael) (s. 62-104). Margrete Fibiger.\n- Nadeschda Dmitrijewna Hwostschinskaja (s. 105-121). Wl. Zotow.\n- Lina Morgenstern (s. 122-129). W-W.\n- Janka Zirzen (s. 130-136). A.J.\n- Isabelle Bogelot (s. 137-174). Tekijä puuttuu\n- Caroline Ashurst Biggs. (s. 148-162). Tekijä puuttuu\n- Elizabeth Cady Stanton och Susan B. Anthony (s. 163-179). Alexandra Gripenberg.\n- Pundita Ramabai (s. 180-194). Alexandra Gripenberg\n\nJWmay16\n"]

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In this reception
is biography of Ragna Nielsen
is biography of Ashurst, Elizabeth A.
is biography of Ellen Karolina Sofia Key
is biography of Lina Morgenstern
is biography of Mathilde Fibiger
is biography of Karamzin, Aurora
is biography of Pundita Ramabai Sarasvati
is biography of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Via received works

No persons found