Madame de Lambert WORK France

Title Madame de Lambert
Is same as work Madame de Lambert
Part of work
Author Paul Jacquinet
Place France
Date 1886
Notes ['jdegmay12\n\n"Fille d\'une mère inconsidérée, et plus que légère (Mme de Marguenat de Courcelles) [etc.], elle échappa à la contagion d\'un tel exemple par l\'instinct d\'une nature droite et saine" p.236\n\nstandardizingsept12jdg\n\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tPositive about author\n-\tPositive about work\n\nTaking the author seriously :\n-\tReference to reputation acquired\n-\tMention of success\n\nProviding anecdotes about her :\n-\tMarriage\n\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\n- Rich by marriage\n- Helping others (“Elle était riche, faisait un bon et honorable usage de ses richesses, du bien à ses amis et aux malheureux, autant qu’elle put")\n\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\n-\tIn positive sense (for both): Françoise de Maintenon\n\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : \n-\tIn positive sense (for both): François Fénelon\n\nGender : \n-\tCorresponds to female norms (pos.)']

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In this reception
is biography of Lambert, Anne-Thérèse de
Via received works

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