Babushkiny Skazki; Zelenye prizraki Vol. 16 Sobranie Sochinenii Zhorzh Zanda v 18 t. Collection of writings of George Sand in 18 volumes WORK

Title Babushkiny Skazki; Zelenye prizraki Vol. 16 Sobranie Sochinenii Zhorzh Zanda v 18 t. Collection of writings of George Sand in 18 volumes
Is same as work Babushkiny Skazki; Zelenye prizraki Vol. 16 Sobranie Sochinenii Zhorzh Zanda v 18 t.
Part of work
Author ~~translator male (name below)
Date 1898
Notes ['Tran. by P. P. Ofrosimov; P. N. Krasnov >>> question: 2 translators collaborating ??? svd\n\nSt. Petersburg: tip. G. F. Panteleev, 1896-1899.\nVol. 16 of Sobranie Sochinenii Zhorzh Zand v 18 t. [Collection of writings of George Sand in 18 volumes]']
is translation of Contes d'une grand-mere
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Contes d'une grand-mere Sand, George (pseudonym)