Dnevnik Diary UNKNOWN Slovenia

Title Dnevnik Diary
Is same as work Dnevnik
Part of work
Author Pesjak, Luiza
Place Slovenia
Date 1844
Notes ['In 1844, the Slovenian female author Luiza Pesjak (she was 16 years old) wrote in her diary that she had got the works of the Swedish woman writer as a present from her teacher. Pesjak’s comment upon these works runs like this: “Bremer’s writings are wonderful, the everyday life is depicted so lovely, all the inconveniences which are inevitable in our life are mitigated with friendship and love, so that there are almost none left. Love, the blessing feeling!”\nBremers Schriften sind herrlich, wie reizend ist das Alltagsleben geschildert, die Unanagenehmlichkeiten, die sich unausweichbar in unseren Leben bilden, wurden in ihrer Werken durch Freundschaft und Liebe wenn nicht ganz gehoben, so doch gemildert. Liebe, beglückendes Gefühl! \n\nType of reception?\nHERA_TestTB2015']

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None Bremer, Fredrika
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