Slovanska knjižnica Slavic Library ARTICLE

Title Slovanska knjižnica Slavic Library
Is same as work Slovanska knjižnica
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1899
Notes ['In 1899, at the time of publication of the short story Mládí (Youth, Mladost, 1898), the journal Dom in svet reported that the story had been dedicated to the then mayor of Ljubljana, Ivan Hribar. In this article, the author’s talent is praised and, in particular, her sense of picturesqueness, in which many Slovenian authors would be lacking: “The author really has a fine talent, she knows well the human heart, she depicts it very vividly, in some places even too vividly. In the short story, one can find the same picturesqueness, which is proper to our northern brothers, and which we miss more or less vividly in some of our writers".\nHERA_TestTB2015']
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Mládí a jiné novelly Preissová, Gabriela