Nuortenkirjoja. Johanna Spyri, Pikku Heidi. Suomennos Literature for young adults. Johanna Spyri, Little Heidi. Finnish translation. ARTICLE
Title | Nuortenkirjoja. Johanna Spyri, Pikku Heidi. Suomennos Literature for young adults. Johanna Spyri, Little Heidi. Finnish translation. |
Is same as work | Nuortenkirjoja. Johanna Spyri, Pikku Heidi. Suomennos |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
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Date | 1906 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['The article in the magazine Kansakoulun lehti 1.1.1906 says: "This nice story by the Swiss writer that has now come up in a new Finnish outfit, includes apt descriptions of nature and characters from the Alps and the persistent people who live there, as well as from the city life in Frankfurt Main. Little Heidi is a surprisingly good child but cannot be happy in that town where she is half involuntarily taken. She gets hugely homesick, and the only help is to take her back to her childhood\'s playgrounds, to the Alpine fields, to her strange grand father. Love for homeland is the under tone in this story". JWapr16'] |
comments on work | Pikku Heidi: kertomus Alpeilta |
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Via received works
Pikku Heidi: kertomus Alpeilta | Mendelin, Aina Irene |