*Letter to Potgieter, mentioning Girardin LETTER Netherlands

Title *Letter to Potgieter, mentioning Girardin
Is same as work *Letter to Potgieter, mentioning Girardin
Part of work
Author Busken Huet, Conrad
Place Netherlands
Date 1872
Notes ['`Laatst hoorden wij in gezelschap over "Le Chapeau d\'un Horloger" spreken; en mijne vrouw, die eene groote bewonderaarster der "Lettres Parisiennes" is, nam het mij bijna kwalijk, dat ik van Delphine\'s tooneelarbeid alleen "la Joie fait peur" kende.\' [Huet]\n\nMore comments on the author, See letters 359 P, 548 P\n\nstandardizingsept12AsK\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tPositive about author\n-\tPostive about work\n\nTaking the author seriously :\n-\tReference to reputation acquired\n\nDUBBEL ???\n\nCBH']

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