*Letters UNKNOWN

Title *Letters
Is same as work *Letters
Part of work
Author Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Date 1726
Notes ["vol. II \nTo Lady Mar (june 1726)\n[..] The last pleasure that fell in my way was Madam Sevigny's Letters; very pretty they are, but I assert without the least vanity that mine will be full as entertaining 40 years hence. I advice you therefore to put none of 'em to the use of Waste paper. [...]\n\nvol. III\nTo Lady Bute (20 july 1754)\n[..] How many readers and admirers has Mme de Sevigny, who only gives us, in a lively manner and fashionable phrases, mean sentiments, vulgar prejudices, and endless repetitions! Sometimes the tittle tattle of a fine Lady, sometimes that of an old Nurse, allwaies tittle tattle [...]"]
In this reception

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Via received works
Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] Sévigné, Marie de