A Baronesa de Staël e o Duque de Palmela Madame de Staël and the Duke of Palmela WORK Portugal

Title A Baronesa de Staël e o Duque de Palmela Madame de Staël and the Duke of Palmela
Is same as work A Baronesa de Staël e o Duque de Palmela
Author Maria Cláudia de Campos,
Place Portugal
Date 1901
Notes ['info I Lousada - cf, record for work\nsvdmay12\n\nsept12pu\n\nCampos mentions (p. 48) Madame de Charrière as an excellent disciple of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.\nIsabel Lousada 2012/5/29\n\nstandardizingsept12pu\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tPositive about author']

No works found

In this reception
is biography of Germaine de Staël
mentions person Charrière, Isabelle de
Via received works

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