*positive mention in private correspondance LETTER Italy

Title *positive mention in private correspondance
Is same as work *positive mention in private correspondance
Part of work
Author Melchiorre Cesarotti
Place Italy
Date 1799
Notes ["author: Melchiorre Cesarotti, letter to Pagani Cesa, 27-08-1799 published in Fantato, La dissimulazione onesta. 2005 \r\n\r\n5thTrainingSchoolfeb13 \r\nJudgment/evaluation : - Positive about author \r\nCesarotti commenting on a young Italian emerging author, evauates her as measuring up to the Graffignis, the Genlises, the Rosenbergs ('che non cede punto alle Graffigni, alle Genlis, alle Rosenberg) \r\n\r\nIs the author treated seriously (or not):\r\n - Canonizing efforts (id.)\r\n\r\n Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with a short comment] - Genlis\r\n- Wynne (Rosenberg)"]

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