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['Translator: Joseph Collyer\r\nNB Name of La Roche not mentioned\r\n\r\n{Preface present} \r\nv - Preface by the Translator\r\nThe following work was published in German by the ingenious Mr. Wieland, who assumed the character of Editor; but he was generally esteemed the Author, till it was known that it was written by Sophia, the wife of Mr. de La Roche, counsellor to the Elector of Treves, one of/\r\nvi\r\nthe most amiable and ingenious ladies of the age. Mr Wieland, instead of a preface, introduces the work by a letter to this lady, without mentioning her name, in which he gives the highest encomiums to the amiable charcters here exhibited to the view of the reader, and observes that, in reading a hundred passages, he could not help exclaiming: "May my daughter learn to think and act like Sophia Sternheim! [../..]\r\nIt will be needless for me to enlarge on the merits of this performance, after quoting the above sentiments and expressions of a person of Mr. Wieland\'s distinguished merit.\r\nJoseph Collyer.\r\n\r\nsvd jun10chawton']