BBBespiegelingen over den staat der rechtheid, dichtmatig voorgesteld Reflections on the state of innocence WORK
Title | BBBespiegelingen over den staat der rechtheid, dichtmatig voorgesteld Reflections on the state of innocence |
Is same as work | BBBespiegelingen over den staat der rechtheid, dichtmatig voorgesteld |
Part of work | |
Author | Wolff, Elisabeth |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1765 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['* Print\nEdition: 1\nPublisher: Tjallingius\nLocation: Hoorn\nYear: 1765.\n\n+6MENTORAT (F), +4APPARITION=PERSONNAGE=ECRIVAIN (F), +3TRAVAUX=GENDER (F)\n\nHoorn, T. Tjallingius, 1765 \n\nIn the preface she argues that women, who have the capacity of thinking, must also have the possibility of writing down and publishing their thoughts. \n\nApparently plagiarizing Leprince de Beaumont\'s Avertissement du Magasin des Enfants. (Cf. Van Raamsdonk-van Dijk)\nvoorbericht : "Leer denken, net denken [..]" (p.VIII)\n\n@women\'s_authorship\n\nLambert, Montague, Rowe mentioned in Voorbericht, as being one of the glories of our sex'] |
is plagiarism of | Magasin des enfants |
None | Turkish Embassy Letters |
None | Letters Moral and Entertaining |
In this reception
No persons found
Via received works
Magasin des enfants | Leprince de Beaumont, Marie |
Turkish Embassy Letters | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu |
Letters Moral and Entertaining | Elizabeth Singer Rowe |