Beatin dnevnik (Beata's diary) WORK

Title Beatin dnevnik (Beata's diary)
Is same as work Beatin dnevnik (Beata's diary)
Part of work
Author Pesjak, Luiza
Date 1887
Notes ['For the receptions of Fredrika Bremer in Beata\'s Diary see: \nUrška Perenič "Poetische Versuche 1843-1844" Luize Pesjak - poskus umestitve dela nemške ustvarjalnosti na Slovenskem v okvir slovenske literarne zgodovine. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. [Tiskana izd.]. apr.-jun. 2006\nUrška Perenič. Dnevnik kot literarnozgodovinski vir : Tagebuch 1844 Louise Crobath. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. . jul.-sep. 2019, Nr. 3, pp. 425-439. \nPesjak, Luiza, Perenič, Urška. Beatin dnevnik : roman. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2019. 235 str., ilustr., zvd., portret.\nFor the impact of Jane Eyre see:\nKatarina Bogataj Gradišnik: Sentimentalni roman (Sentimental Novel). Ljubljana: 1984 and Ženski roman v evropskem sentimentalizmu in slovenski literaturi 19. stoletja. Primerjalna književnost 1989, 23-41. \nKatja Mihurko Poniž: Gender and narration in the writings of three 19th-century Slovene women : Pavlina Pajk, Luiza Pesjak and Zofka Kveder. V: STEINBRÜGGE, Lieselotte (ur.), VAN DIJK, Suzan (ur.). Narrations genrées : écrivaines dans l\'histoire européenne jusqu\'au début du XXe siècle, (La République des Lettres, 56). Louvian; Paris; Walpole (MA): Peeters. 2014, str. 301-319.\nThe poem (in French!) L\'hirondelle was found in the Pesjak\'s novel "Beatin dnevnik". The poem is a little bit adapted. (See Tanja Badalič: Reception of European women writers in Slovenian multicultural territory of the 19th century until the end of the first World War : dissertation, p. 168).\nTBmar13, Katja Mihurko, 2019']
is intertextual to L'hirondelle
is intertextual to Jane Eyre. An autobiography
is intertextual to Nina
is intertextual to Presidentens Döttrar
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
L'hirondelle Montgolfier, Adelaide de
Jane Eyre. An autobiography Brontë, Charlotte
Nina Bremer, Fredrika
Presidentens Döttrar Bremer, Fredrika