Pichchinino - Vospominaniia domashnego vechera [Memories of an evening at home] Roman Zhorzha Zanda Ch.1 ARTICLE
Title | Pichchinino - Vospominaniia domashnego vechera [Memories of an evening at home] Roman Zhorzha Zanda Ch.1 |
Is same as work | Pichchinino - Vospominaniia domashnego vechera [Memories of an evening at home] Roman Zhorzha Zanda Ch.1 |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown translator (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1847 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['St. Petersburg: tip. I. Glazunov i K'] |
is translation of | Le Piccinino |