I Katarina Montins bokhandel At the book shop PUBLICITY

Title I Katarina Montins bokhandel At the book shop
Is same as work I Katarina Montins bokhandel
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1881
Notes ['An advertisement in the newspaper Wasa Tidning 20.9.1881, 23.9.1881, also in Morgonbladet 24.9.1881, 27.9.1881, Åbo underrättelser 5.10.1881, Wiborgs tidning 26.11.1881 ("A picture drawn with a great talent that has all the characteristics that makes one assume it\'s made according to nature, those thousands of people who in Englad work, born live and die \'in the deep\', in the mines, in their struggle for life that is strenuous, of lethal danger and has poor economic results."), Helsingfors Dagblad 20.12.1881, 23.12.1881, 16.12.1882. JWmar16']
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På djupet Bäckström Zander, Wilhelmina Christina