Theatre of education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis WORK

Title Theatre of education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis
Is same as work Theatre of education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis
Part of work
Author Thomas Holcroft
Date 1781
Notes ['Translator: Thomas Holcroft\r\ncf. contrib. G. Dow to colloque Metz 2003:\r\ncomparison between this Thomas Holcroft translation and another one by a group of women (1787).\r\nTH = travail à la chaine; les femmes y consacrent plus de temps\r\n(notes SvDijk colloque)\r\n\r\n-----------------\r\n\r\nconcerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman on title page}\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\n{With portrait}: below it a candle: "Pour éclairer tu te consumes"\r\n\r\n{Preface present]\r\nn.p. Advertisement [by editor or translator probably]\r\nThe merit of the _Theatre of Education_, is sufficiently acknowledged in the universal demand for the original, which, in less than a year from its publication, has been translated into six foreign languages. [..../..]\r\nThough the Comedies of the Countess de Genlis, in which she has shown extensive knowledge, fine taste, exquisite sensibility, and the most exalted virtue, were written for the use of youth, they are not confined to the improvement of the young [...]\r\n\r\n3- Preface of the Editor [or. French editor?]\r\nIt must be allowed that the Author of this little Theatre has the merit of having invented a kind of comedies [....]\r\n\r\nPieces in the vols.:\r\nI\r\nHagar in the Desart\r\nThe Beauty and the Monster\r\nThe Phials\r\nThe Happy Island\r\nThe Spoiled child\r\nThe Effects of curiosity\r\nThe Dangers of the world\r\nII\r\nThe Blind woman of Spa\r\nThe Dove\r\nCecilia or the sacrifice of friendship\r\n[NB characters: Cecilia, a young novice; Calista, another young novice her friend]\r\nThe generous enemies\r\nThe good mother\r\nThe busy body\r\niii\r\nThe children\'s ball, or the Duel\r\nThe Traveller\r\nVathek\r\nThe False friends\r\nThe judge\r\nIV\r\nThe Queen of the Rose of Salency\r\nThe Milliner\r\nThe Linen Draper\r\nThe Bookseller\r\nThe truly wise man\r\nThe portrait or the generous rivals\r\n\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
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Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de