Letters written from Lausanne WORK

Title Letters written from Lausanne
Is same as work Letters written from Lausanne
Part of work
Author [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made]
Date 1799
Notes ['Voir \r\n- Forster, source\r\n- Godet, Mme de Ch. et ses amis II, 407; Courtney, Biogr. p.746.\r\n- Josephine Grieder, Translations of French semtimental prose fiction in late eighteenth-century England: the history of a literary vogue. Durham 1975, p. 29:\r\n\r\ncontains preface by translator:\r\n"The following translation of "Lettres écrites de Lausanne" was undertaken, and hastily executed, for the benefit of an emigrant lady, the intimate friend of the author. She having left England before the work was sent to the press, the translator was advised to offer it to the public on his own account. This he now does, induced by the favourable reception the original met with abroad, and by a conviction that it will everywhere afford innocent amusement to the admirers of simplicity and nature."\r\n\r\nin ECCO (Eigteenth-Century Collections Online), to be accessed a.o. in KB The Hague, University Libraries Leiden and Utrecht.']
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Lettres écrites de Lausanne Charrière, Isabelle de