*Obituary of George Sand ARTICLE Spain
Title | *Obituary of George Sand |
Is same as work | *Obituary of George Sand |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | Spain |
Date | 1876 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['References to her moral values, her political ideas and her male outfit.\r\nThey critic her moral values but praise her woks.\r\nThey use her as an example to prove how important it is that women could receive the same education that men received.\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12 BR\r\n\r\n--Judgment/evaluation :\r\nNegative about author: Her moral values and her behaviors are condemned.\r\nPostive about work: She was a good writter.\r\n\r\n--Taking the author seriously :\r\nReference to reputation acquired: The journalist says that she was a celebrity but he/she gives as reasons of her popularity not just her imagination and style but also her immoral novels, her ideas, and her "free" behavior. \r\n\r\n\r\n--Providing anecdotes about her :\r\nEarly talents as a writer\r\nBeauty: [appearance, more than beauty. The journalist speaks about her male outfit and about her bad habit of smoking]\r\nLife struggles and hardships: The journalist speaks about the way in which she abandoned her house and went to live to the "immoral" Paris.\r\nEducation\r\n\r\n\r\n--Financial aspects, referring to :\r\nMoney earned: Actually it is not just about money. The journalist thinks that in the moment that Sand lost herself as a woman because of her wrong habits, she could survive at least as a writer.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n--Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\nIn positive sense (for this author): In the article is also mentioned María de la Peña (translator of Monseñor de Orleans) who is related to George Sand because she also defended women\'s right to study.\r\n\r\n\r\n--Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\nIn positive sense (for this author): The journalist mentioned Jules Sandeu [Julio Sandeu] as the co-athor of the firts novel by George Sand.\r\nRollin is mentioned as her friend and Musset as her secretary.\r\n\r\n--Comparisons to other countries: \r\nNone\r\n\r\n--Gender: \r\nNot Corresponds to female norms (pos.)\r\nNot enough femininity\r\nProblem: loose morals\r\n\r\n--Refusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented:\r\nNone'] |
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