Lettres written by a Peruvian princess. WORK

Title Lettres written by a Peruvian princess.
Is same as work Lettres written by a Peruvian princess.
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1748
Notes ["Reissued in 1752 and 1768 (London, Cooper), according to G. Watson, New Cambridge Bibl of English Lit. 1660-1800, 1971.\nRéédité en 1771, à Londres chez Robinson.\nVoir aussi traduction de Roberts.\nAutre traduction par Francis Ashmore en 2 vol 1782 [NCBEL].\n\nLetters written by a Peruvian princess. Translated from the French [of F. P. Huguet de Grafigny]. The third edition. Revised ... by the translator. To which is now first added, the Sequel of the Peruvian letters.\nHUGUET DE GRAFIGNY. Françoise Paule\nLondon: J. Robson, 1759. pp. xii, 307. 8o.\n[2] Letters written by a Peruvian princess. [By F. P. Huguet de Grafigny.] From the French. [The translator's letter to the subscribers signed: Quintin Adams.]\nHUGUET DE GRAFIGNY. Françoise Paule\nSt. Christopher: printed for the translator, by Thomas Howe, Basseterre, 1773. pp. 165. 8o.\n[3] Letters written by a Peruvian princess. A new edition. [By Françoise Huguet de Grafigny.]\nHUGUET DE GRAFIGNY. Françoise Paule\n2 vol. pp. xxiv. 212. William Colles; Rich. Moncrieffe: Dublin, 1774. 12o.\n[4] [Lettres d'une Péruvienne.] Letters written by a Peruvian princess. Translated from the French [of F. P. Huguet de Grafigny].\nHUGUET DE GRAFIGNY. Françoise Paule\nLondon, 1753. pp. viii, 176. 12o.\n\nAdvertisement of the French Editor - translated p. III-XI, with some comments:\nV\n[...] How can one be a Persian? * The translator apprehends this sentence to be a satirical repetition after some other French author. There were a few strokes marked in the same manner in one or two of the letters, which he did not take notice of, as he supposed they would be unintelligible to the English reader.\nIX\n[...] Oriental terms * The French author uses here Oriental for lofty and swelling, though the Peruvians, with respect to us, are certainly an Occidental people.\n\nX\nThe translator begs leave just to add, that, as he went thro' his task with particular pleasure, he hopes he has done justice [...]\n\nThis version may have been used by Mrs Roberts, who might have modernized it (to be checked, svd). Ex.\nincipit:\nAza, my dear Aza! the cries of thy tender Zilia, like a morning vapour, exhale and are dissipated before they arrive in thy presence: in vain I call thee to my succour [...]\n\nsvd nov 2007"]
is translation of Lettres d'une Péruvienne
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Via received works
Lettres d'une Péruvienne Graffigny, Françoise de