*Mention of Van Francois in Kunst- en Letterbode VI ARTICLE

Title *Mention of Van Francois in Kunst- en Letterbode VI
Is same as work *Mention of Van Francois in Kunst- en Letterbode VI
Part of work
Author Busken Huet, Conrad
Date 1873
Notes ['Algemeen Dagblad van Nederlandsch Indie 1 (1873) 224 (24 dec.).\nherdrukt in LFK IX 117-121.\n\n\'(...) Sedert onderscheidden zich in Duitschland: de dames Godin, Marlitt, Von Hillern, Detleff, Werner. Bovenaan staat Louise von François, gelijk onder de ouderen Fanny Lewald.\'\n\nmention L. von Francois in: LFK VIII 191\n\nstandardizingsept12AsK\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tPositive about author: "Bovenaan staat Louise von François, gelijk onder de ouderen Fanny Lewald."\n\nTaking the author seriously :\n-\tReference to reputation acquired\n\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\n-\tIn positive sense (for this author): Godin, Marlitt, Von Hillern, Detleff, Werner\n-\tIn positive sense (for both): Godin, Marlitt, Von Hillern, Detleff, Werner, Fanny Lewald\n\nCBH']
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Via received works
Die letzte Reckenburgerin Louise von François