*Femmes écrivains WORK France
Title | *Femmes écrivains |
Is same as work | *Femmes écrivains |
Part of work | |
Author | Henri Carton |
Reference | |
Place | France |
Date | 1886 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['212 money: \n"se résigna [...] \'à travailler pour vivre\'" \n"succès" que Genlis lui promet\nsvdjan12\n\nstandardizingsep12svd\n\nTaking the author seriously:\n- mention of her success\n\nFinancial aspects, referring to:\n- money (possibly) earned by publishing\n\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors:\n- Genlis'] |
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is biography of | Bradi, Agathe-Pauline Caylac de Ceylan |
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