"Pyhä Marie Bashkirtseff, uuden Montparnassen suojeluspyhimys" "Saint Marie Bashkirtseff, the new patron saint of Montparnasse" ARTICLE Finland
Title | "Pyhä Marie Bashkirtseff, uuden Montparnassen suojeluspyhimys" "Saint Marie Bashkirtseff, the new patron saint of Montparnasse" |
Is same as work | "Pyhä Marie Bashkirtseff, uuden Montparnassen suojeluspyhimys" |
Part of work | |
Author | Raoul af Hällström |
Reference | |
Place | Finland |
Date | 1936 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['An long article about Marie Bashkirtseff. JWmar22'] |
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