Madame des Houlières WORK France

Title Madame des Houlières
Is same as work Madame des Houlières
Part of work
Author Paul Jacquinet
Place France
Date 1886
Notes ['author: P. Jacquinet\njdegmay12\n\nMentions that the author died from breastcancer. (p.205)\n\n"On ne cite plus, on ne lit plus Mme Des Houlières" p.195\n\nstandardizingsept12jdg\n\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tNegative about author (?)\n-\tNegative about work\n\nTaking the author seriously :\n-\tReference to reputation acquired\n-\tMention of success\n\nProviding anecdotes about her :\n-\tEarly talents as a writer\n-\tMarriage\n-\tTalent for activities other than writing\n-\tLife struggles and hardships\n-\tEducation\n\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\n-\tFinancial help by others\n\nGender : \n-\tCorresponds to female norms (pos.)']

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In this reception
is biography of Deshoulières, Antoinette
Via received works

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