Marya Konopnicka UNKNOWN Slovenia

Title Marya Konopnicka
Is same as work Marya Konopnicka
Author Minka Govekar
Place Slovenia
Date 1905
Notes ['Minka Govekar published a lengthy article about Konopnicka in Slovenska gospodinja, in which she mentions, beside her biography, Konopnicka’s resemblance to the Italian author Ada Negri. In fact, they call her “the Polish Ada Negri.” Govekar refers to Konopnicka as “the greatest Slavic literary artist, poet and writer” and she points out her compassion and empathy to all humanity. With respect to her life, Konopnicka’s solitude in her childhood, her early marriage and her travels are mentioned. At the end, Minka Govekar wishes that also Slovenians would be interested in Konopnicka as much as Polish people are and that there would be more Slovenian translations of her works. Govekar asserts that between Konopnicka and Negri there is congeniality; moreover both of them share the inclination for the proletariat. Besides, Konopnicka translated two works of Negri into Polish.\nHERA_TestTB2015']

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mentions person Negri, Ada
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