*Art. in De Gids ARTICLE Netherlands

Title *Art. in De Gids
Is same as work *Art. in De Gids
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Netherlands
Date 1839
Notes ['via T. Streng: Geschapen om te scheppen? (1997) , p.31, p. 104\n\nMentioned in Riewald/Bakker, 1982, p. 223.\n\n(Anon.) Journalist (de Gids 1839 I Boekbeoordeelingen, p.135-149) lauds Sedgwick for the female way she wrote about the war in "Linwood [...]". \nWhole quote see Streng p.31 or the article in De Gids.\n\ncf. also Visser in Van Dijk e.a., "I have heard about you", 2004\n\nFor precise text see De Gids-reception on Hope Leslie or Linwoods.. jws 01 07']

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