*Review of Italian translation by Caminer Turra in Giornale enciclopedico. ARTICLE

Title *Review of Italian translation by Caminer Turra in Giornale enciclopedico.
Is same as work *Review of Italian translation by Caminer Turra in Giornale enciclopedico.
Part of work
Author UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown]
Date 1782
Notes ['review published in: Giornale enciclopedico 4 (aprile): 65-67. Venice\r\ntitle of review: “Del Soggiorno de’ Conti del Nord in Venezia ec. Lettera della Contessa Vedova degli Orsini di Rosenberg, n. Wynne, ec. Trad. dal francese, Vicenza 1782 in 8vo, di carta Reale, nella Stamperia Turra.” \r\n\r\nJudgement/evaluation: \r\n-positive about author \r\n-positive about work\r\n\r\nIs the author treated seriously (or not) \r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nRecurrent elements of image building: \r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nMention of financial aspects:\r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with a short comment] \r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : [provide names, with a short comment]\r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : [provide names of countries, with a short comment] \r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nGender-[biased comments : ] \r\n- not yet checked \r\n\r\nConsidering the author’s use of (a minor) language as: \r\n- not yet checked']
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Du séjour des Comtes du Nord à Venise en Janvier 1782 Giustiniana Wynne