*Notice in Rotterdamsche courant ARTICLE Netherlands
Title | *Notice in Rotterdamsche courant |
Is same as work | *Notice in Rotterdamsche courant |
Part of work | |
Author | [anonymous Dutch, various] |
Reference | |
Place | Netherlands |
Date | 1853 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['"Londen den 13 december.\n[...]\n- De begaafde Engelsche schrijfster mistress Amelia Opie, wier zedekundige verhalen vooral vroeger algemeen gezocht werden, is onlangs in den ouderdom van 58 [sic] jaren overleden. Zij behoorde tot de secte der Kwakers en had zich ook door haar menschlievend karakter de algemeene achting verworven."\n\n[The gifted English female author mistress Amelia Opie, whose moral stories were once generally in demand, has recently passed away at the age of 58 [sic]. She belonged to the cult of the Quakers and had also obtained general esteem by her humanitarian character.]'] |
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