Elize WORK

Title Elize
Is same as work Elize
Part of work
Author Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna
Date 1839
Notes ['In 2004, a modern edition of the novel Elize appeared in the series Amazone of the Amsterdam University Press.\n\nHasebroeks roman Elize lijkt in een aantal details gebaseerd te zijn op Helen van Edgeworth.\nInfo Riet Schenkeveld - Filter jaargang 13, nummer 3 (2006)\n\nShe read the Dutch translation of Cottin, Malvina.\nInfo Riet Schenkeveld - Filter jaargang 13, nummer 3 (2006)\n\n*Remco* mentioned in correspondence Bosboom-Toussaint to Robide van der Aa. "Ze zal u niet gezegd hebben welk een welgevallig werkje zal verschijnen" 12 maart 1839 KB : 130 G 39 Only mentioned as \'writer of Te Laat\'\nDate of letter implies it should be referring to Elize']
is intertextual to Malvina
is intertextual to Helen, a tale
In this reception

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Via received works
Malvina Sophie Cottin
Helen, a tale Maria Edgeworth