I P. Th. Stolpes bokhandel At the book shop PUBLICITY

Title I P. Th. Stolpes bokhandel At the book shop
Is same as work I P. Th. Stolpes bokhandel
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1858
Notes ['An advertisement in the newspaper Helsingfors tidningar 2.1.1858, 14.1.1862, 8.4.1862, also Finlands allmänna tidning 1.1.1859, 27.8.1863, 11.9.1863, 28.9.1863, 13.10.1863, 8.12.1865, 12.12.1865 (in an antiquarian), Åbo underrättelser 5.4.1859, 21.9.1898 (A new edition by Torsten Bedlund in Göteborg, illustrated by Jenny Nyström-Stoopendaal), 4.10.1898, 28.1.1899, 30.9.1899, Nya pressen 18.12.1897, 15.11.1898, 21.12.1898, 22.8. 1899, Wiborgsbladet 22.9.1898 (20 booklets with 30 sides, 37,5 pennies/booklet), 19.10.1898, 26.10.1898, Vasabladet 29.10.1898 (price: 25 red cents), Uleåborgsbladet 5.11.1898, 25.3.1899, Björneborgs tidningar 1.6.1899 (20 booklets, 25 red cents each), 14.10.1899, Hufvudstadsbladet 12.8.1899 (booklets 19-22). JWmar16 ']
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Robert Bruce. En berättelse ur skottska historien Unknown translator (to be identified)