Barn- och ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young adults ARTICLE

Title Barn- och ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young adults
Is same as work Barn- och ungdomsliteratur
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1896
Notes ["An article in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 20.12.1896 says: \n- when you have redd the first pages of the book where children read Bunyans's 'En kristens resa' you'll suppose it is a religious one, because the children miss the city at the mountains or the beautiful city, but the plot takes a surprising turn: the children hear about a world exhibition in Chicago ant they start to think that there is the beautiful city\n- both work and in nine months succeed in sparing they need for the pilgrimage \n- they don't just see all the amazing things in the exhibition, but also spare in meals and save money and give to a poor boy a ticket to the exhibition\n-they themselves get custody from a genteman who finally takes them as foster children \n-as you can read from the summary, the content of the book has a permanent value, the reader must like these energetic children and follow them on their trip \n- description is never tiring, despite the strongly sententious tone, because it is brisk and gets to the point \n- only the last part, where the moral of the story is given in a few words, directly to the reader, could have been left away \n- summa summarum: the book can be recommended for boys and girls \nJWmar16\n"]
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