*Diary mention, 11 March UNKNOWN

Title *Diary mention, 11 March
Is same as work *Diary mention, 11 March
Author Virginia Woolf
Date 1905
Notes ['Woolf wrote a review of Barlow\'s book for The Guardian, published on 22 March1905. A few days before the publication she commented upon this book rather negatively in her diary: "Wrote a most bothering little review of 300 words only upon Miss Barlow\'s book - but the 300 words wouldn\'t come - or came wrong - & finally weren\'t very good. But a nondescript book like this which really suggests nothing good or bad, is d---d hard work, & I would rather write anything else - except indeed a dutiful letter."\r\nSNJune12']
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By Beach and Bog-land Jane Barlow