Öfversigt »Sylvia», af den bekanta förf. Louisa M. Alcott, An overwiev PUBLICITY

Title Öfversigt »Sylvia», af den bekanta förf. Louisa M. Alcott, An overwiev
Is same as work Öfversigt »Sylvia», af den bekanta förf. Louisa M. Alcott,
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1882
Notes ['An advertisement about Sylvia in Finsk tidskrift says that "the book can be safely bought as a good book that is pleasing and has a rich variety of events". Also in Vestra Nyland 8.12.1882, Helsingfors Dagblad 8.12.1882 (with two illustrations), Åbo underrättelser 12.12.1882 (with two illustrations, "writer\'s name is a guarantee that the books can be given to hands of young people"), Vasabladet 16.12.1882, Wasa tidning 22.12.1882. JWfeb16']
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Sylvia, en ung kvinnas historia Bertha Sandlund