Poezije Poems WORK Slovenia

Title Poezije Poems
Is same as work Poezije
Part of work
Author Poljanec, Ljudmila
Place Slovenia
Date 1906
Notes ['One of the poems in this collection is entitled "Carmen Silva". The poem was ranged in the section entitled Ob Adriji (Along Adria), therefore it was probably written during Poljanec’s journeys at the Adriatic coast, more precisely, in Opatija (Croatia). In her poem, the Slovenian author idealizes the Romanian Queen, and even more, she almost sanctifies her. In fact, Poljanec imagines the Queen walking along the seaside and observing the wonderful landscape around her: a shady bay tree, a straight palm tree, the sea and the mountains in the dawn. Poljanec then focuses on a rock where a poem of Carmen Sylva, beautifully wreathed with ivy, glitters in golden hieroglyphics.\n\nHERA_TestTB2015']

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is dedicated to Sylva, Carmen
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