Evelina: eller en ung Piges Indtrædelse i Verden Evelina: or a young girl's entrance into the world WORK

Title Evelina: eller en ung Piges Indtrædelse i Verden Evelina: or a young girl's entrance into the world
Is same as work Evelina: eller en ung Piges Indtrædelse i Verden
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1858
Notes ["There is an allographic preface that writes reverently of 'the old English authoress' whose style may be different from today, but who is still worth reading.\nPublished in Christiania-Posten.\nmnsoct10\n\nserialisation feuilleton føljeton\nFollowed by book publication, 521 pp.\nMNS23"]
In this reception

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Via received works
Evelina; or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world Burney, Frances