*Mention in Art. in De Gids ARTICLE

Title *Mention in Art. in De Gids
Is same as work *Mention in Art. in De Gids
Part of work
Author Bern. Koster, Jr
Date 1861
Notes ['[p.87]\n“Wij verwisselen het oude adellijke sloten het landleven\nvoor Engeland\'a hoofdstad en het hof van Karel II, van dien\nwispelturigen, karakterloozen Stuart, op wiens slaapkamerdeur\nLord Rochester het volgende epigram waagde te schrijven ]:\n\n"Here lies our sovereign lord the king,\nWhose word no man relies on,\nWho never said a foolish thing\nAnd never did a wise one."\n\n\n1 Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England, vol. V, p. 601.”\n\n(credits:De Digitale Gids, www.arik.nl (non-OCRed scans of original pages))']
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Lives of the Queens of England Strickland, Agnes