Uutta joulukirjallisuutta New christmas literature ARTICLE

Title Uutta joulukirjallisuutta New christmas literature
Is same as work Uutta joulukirjallisuutta
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1892
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Uusi Suometar and Uusi Savo 20.12.1892 and in Päivälehti 22.12.1892 and 23.12.1892 says: "This story came out a couple of years ago in English and was received in with such a grace that there were more than ten editions in the first year. \'There is no doubt that this is the best book of it\'s kind that has came out here in many years\' (The Bookseller), \'Fun, pedagogical, beautiful and natural - the most perfect example of how to write a children\'s book\' (The New-York Critic). This is a charming book and without a single boring page, a book that small children will listen with delight and older children will read for fun and benefit." JWmar16']
comments on work Pikku lordi
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Pikku lordi Krohn, Helmi